We often have doubts, we are not sure of the outcome, but we bet anyway, turning sports betting from an intellectual exercise into a roulette game. So read out the article to understand more and make the right bets.
What you bet on and how often
The most important thing in betting, based on this strategy, is what you bet on and how often. In a month a person who is good at betting, as a rule, finds about 5-6 bets, which are usually called iron, and about the same amount, which is close to the concept of “iron”. Then why do they make so much more than 10 bets a month? Why more and worse? Perhaps therein lies the trouble with the game of many betting people.

There are strategies for adjusting the size of bets according to their reliability in your eyes. Conventionally divide bets into categories “very true” and “true”, for example. Accordingly, the “very true” category bets a slightly larger amount than the “true” category bets.
There is no such distinction in this strategy. We either don’t bet, or we are sure of the bet and just bet a fixed amount – that’s the whole technology. 1 bet and no parlay, no parlay. It has long been known that playing single bets over a long distance is more profitable than betting on expresses. With single bets, the risk of loss is minimized, and they are extremely profitable to use when you are confident in your bet. Betting on several events in a parlay automatically reduces our chances of long-term success.
Betting, in which you are very confident, single is quite a successful strategy choice

Even if you only place 6-10 bets in a month, you know for sure that you haven’t had any better bets this month. If possible, it is better to confine yourself to 1 or 2 sports in which your knowledge is really good. For example, you like the Russian Football Championship, you can predict certain outcomes of matches quite well, then this is your niche for betting. Before you bet, of course, you will have to analyze statistics, personal encounters and all sorts of things, because this is included in the very notion of “successful betting” and, as a consequence, “successful betting management”. Every well-analyzed bet in which you are more than 80% sure at the end of time will bring you to a tangible advantage, which will allow you to increase the bet amount and continue to follow your logical and successful strategy.
This strategy is built on 3 bases:
- Confidence in the bet by more than 80%. you must be truly confident in the outcome of the event, almost everything must speak for the faithfulness of this bet.
- Bets exclusively by single and flat. Expresses, even if short, are not applicable.
- The average odds are 1.6-1.75.
Let’s refer to the figures:
- Time period – 1 month. Number of bets – 8. Average odds – 1.7. The same amount of bets for each match, in the amount of 1000 rubles.
- 4 wins and 4 losses is a critical result for this strategy. you can’t afford to make the same amount, and moreover more losing bets than winning ones. 2800 vs. 4000= -1200.
- 5 wins and 3 losses. Quite an acceptable and uncomplicated result. You can lose as much as 3 times in 8 bets and still be in the good money. 3,500 vs. 3,000 = +500.
- 6 wins and 2 losses. You can achieve this result, too. Your bets should be predictable, nothing surprising happened. 4200 vs. 2000= +2200
- 7 wins and 1 loss. The month can rightfully be considered an extremely successful one. But one should not get used to such successes psychologically. 4900 vs. 1000=+3900
The amount of the bet can be anything, the main thing is that it does not exceed 5-10% of the bank. More bet and winnings are proportionally well increased. Also, the odds can be higher, in principle. But the odds of 1.7 is not chosen randomly. It is also one of the foundations of our strategy. The odds of 1.7 gravitate to the probability of victory than defeat, which also increases your chances of a positive result. For example, playing at 1.85 is mathematically much more unprofitable with this strategy.
The strategy involves playing with only competently selected bets, in which the share of match analysis is many times greater than the so-called “gut feeling”. Even if your forecast turned out to be wrong, this is not a reason to ruin everything and bet in expresses, to increase the bet amount, and thus completely forget about the strategy chosen earlier. This is a signal that even more carefully approach the selection of bets, the outcome of events. You should not be afraid of losses. You can afford them over a long distance. They are useful, even if they cost a lot. At any time you can stop, but if there is confidence in your bets, it is at least silly.
All in all, your bets with this strategy can be profitable, just know the measure of your confidence, because by going overboard with the number of bets, you once again reduce the probability of overall success.